Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tattletale Tuesday: Magnificent Prose

Christopher Elliot CC BY-NC 2.0, via Flickr

Are you ready for our very first Tattletale Tuesday? I am super excited! One of my favorite things about talking about books is being able to tell you the things that I love (and sometimes hate) about whatever I'm currently reading. Yes, yes. I'm bad. (You will be too when you add your comments to mine and tattle on the book you're currently reading, won't you?)

I'll try to keep things positive, because I like to move things in an upbeat direction and who isn't encouraged by positive comments about, well, anything

This week I'm reading Crybaby Bridge by J. Weinhardt. 

Although it's not the type of book that I normally enjoy (I'm struggling to classify it by genre), the author has a remarkable way with prose. It's a rare thing to find an independently published novel with such consideration given showing, rather than telling what the main character is experiencing.

This is an easy book to get sucked into, and I've found myself reading it with my heart pounding as I lean forward in my seat struggling to absorb every word of the novel. It's the sort of book that you gobble up quickly and then wish you'd savored, and I have to keep putting it down because I have a seven-year-old to raise and I can't allow myself to get sucked too deeply into the narrative. Nobody likes to be interrupted while they read.

So far this is shaping up to be a 4-star book (which is about the best that I rate books unless they are absolutely remarkable in every possible way) and I'm excited to be able to ask my readers, followers, and guests to join me in reading along with it. If you've already read it, please keep your thoughts for the review. There aren't many reviews on Amazon or on Goodreads and I think this author deserves some more!

In the meantime, I'd love to hear your tattles! What are you reading this week, and what has impressed you about it? Do you have any recommendations that you'd like to make for books I might enjoy in the future? 

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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